Gone are the days when clocks just showed the time ...
With technology increasingly present in our lives, the clock has been increasingly set aside, and giving way to cell phones.
Nowadays, it is not so common to see people wearing watches on their wrists, simply because of the ease and practicality that the cell phone offers.
However, in order not to lose its place, the manufacturers decided to fight back: to make a wristwatch that also reproduces the functions of a cell phone, the smartwatch.
But the truth is that many still do not know the functions of a smartwatch and for that reason, end up not enjoying this technology so interesting.
Are you curious? Check out:
In the 1980s, it can be said that the first smart watch was already introduced to the world.
These models were called "calculator watches" and were a huge success!
The smartwatch works by integrating via Bluetooth with your smartphone and with a touchscreen, it has a lot to offer!
Among the facilities offered by him are: reading and receiving notifications from social networks, answering calls, reading emails and monitoring vital signs (blood pressure, blood oxygen, heart rate).
In addition, you can listen to music, check the weather forecast, access maps and GPS, show calories burned during a physical exercise, among other features.
The smartwatch works with a battery that needs to be recharged, just like a cell phone and some models are waterproof.
Some models are designed to withstand up to 50 meters deep in the water.
The battery life is a happy surprise: with a magnetic charging system, your battery life can reach 11 days.
To please a good part of the public, the smartwatch exists in square, round and bracelet versions.
With the best reviews among consumers and taking into account cost x benefit, we have the Samsung Galaxy Watch leading the ranking, followed by Apple Watch Series 3, Huawei GT2, Xiaomi models with Xiaomi Amazfit GTS, Xiaomi Amazfit GTR, Xiaomi Amazfit BIP and ending with B57 Band 3.
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